Inspired by Frans Stiene’s wonderful poem Digging for Truth – A Glimmer of Hope
This was a response to the poem from a writing class I am attending. Really made me think about looking at the words used by another writer and what they mean for me in my current context. I love that poetry can be interpreted in so many different ways and that the words chosen can be used to convey an alternative point of view.
Digging for Hope – A Glimmer of Truth
Battening the hatches is futile
This storm in the mind is a feature of the season.
Learn to live with the fist of turmoil that drags, shakes and pulls.
The hope of a calmer season, or that the storm will abate forever, unrealistic.
The glimmer that eludes me cannot be found and held indefinitely
The vigilance required to endure the onslaught of each subsequent storm exhausting
Learning to sleep through every screaming squall to dig deep another day.
Awakening to peace, sunlight though a window, the clouds departing
Deep rest from the tiring storm in my mind, a glimmer of hope that it will not return
Nothing is there for now, but sunny days don’t last
Naked vulnerability seems naive in storm season
So dig until you are tired, a wild, dirty excavation.
Create a safe, dark place to weather the inevitable return
Line it with soft moss then let go and close your eyes.
Care not whether the sun shines in all its glory or if it is bitter night
Dug in deep underneath the soil you are left with the truth
Warm light deep inside
And everything else is falling away.