I am a multi passionate person. Relentlessly creative, I feel off when I’m not somewhere in the creative process. Couple this with a deep love of learning and you get someone who spends as much free time as they can learning various crafts, arts, languages and instruments! Finding moments of joy every day.

One of my passions is poetry but, apart from a brief interlude on Instagram, I’ve never really shared them with anyone. So I’m offering some of them here as an example of doing things that scare you every day. Also the scammers on Instagram love poets apparently and the constant bombardment was beyond my capacity to deal with!

I did an exercise on a coaching call the other day and one of the parts of it was to envisage your best self. Where they were, what they were doing etc. For me it was this. Standing in a field near my house marvelling at the sky. I know that sounds so hippy dippy but it’s really not as enlightened as all that. I walk for my stupid mental health and the love of my two pups; needing to keep my feet on the ground sometimes as I have a tendency to lose myself in thoughts. And, importantly, in a life that swamped and overwhelmed me I learned to look for moments of joy and beauty in the tiny things in nature and now I can’t stop seeing them. The more you find the more there is to find.
Maybe nature is where I don’t have to understand society. I just have to understand myself and make sure I’m appropriately clothed!
I fit here. No. I belong here.
Just as I am without having to change, hone or improve.
The reward is both the joy and getting to write about the joy.

2 responses to “How to Be Human Enough to… Explore Your Passions”
Beautiful have you thought about putting your poetry into a small ebook
Thank you so much for your kind words. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that! I’ll need to do some research!